Firmware V1.4.2

Pitufino gets a new Firmware-update and with it there is an addition 1min and 10min average of some values. Furthermore the we have increased the useability of the multiwindow by adding swipe gestures.

UTC is not working on this picture due to the demo-mode.

Firmware updates are regularly offered for even more features and wider support. No need to hesitate–updating is as simple as it gets! Just download the firmware-zip-file at and store it on your device. Afterwards connect to your Pitufino and enter the Webinterface. Go to the menu and click on the Firmware Update Icon.

In the Firmware Update Center you will be able the search for your previously downloaded firmware-files. Select the whole unpacked folder and click enter. Now you can click on the update button right underneath. This process can take a few minutes. After updating the interface will tell you to wait until your pitufino is rebooted.

Now your Pitufino is fully up to date!

Changes since V1.4.1:

  • computation of 1min, 10min, and 60min averages for COG, SOG, TWD, and TWS
  • Sailing instruments web app shows those averages (plus UTC) in LOG popup now
  • Sailing instruments got 1min/10min-average mode: displays averages for COG, SOG, TWD, TWS and VMC plus compass-rose pointers for COG, TWD and tacking/jibing angle (=laylines)
  • Anchor watch web app got rotation counter, 1/10/60min-average TWS/TWD are selectable for data fields, and GUI scales proportionally now
  • Multi instrument web app uses swipe/drag gesture to change display type
  • all web instruments: damping value is now filter time constant 0…9sec (before, levels 1…9 corresponded to 0.66…5.90sec)
  • provide damped COG/SOG to N2k bus and NMEA0183 TCP/UDP streams
  • several minor improvements