The idea behind the products
As technology is constantly evolving, new opportunities come up and open new doors. But the more different generations of technology meet on a sailing boat, the more difficult it gets to keep track of all the information and the compatibility of devices. So a central hub is needed, which does exactly that: directing all information to the user in one spot.
There are quite a few nav-WiFi-gateways on the market right now. But we decided to partner with Pitufino as it is the most versatile and up-to-date device. And to keep Pitufino in this position, we are constanly updating and developing the product as we use it ourselves.
The Team
Jonas Andessner, the founder of CURRENTLY-MARINE, is an electrotechnical engineer, who graduated from the HTL Elektrotechnik in Wels. He enjoys racing and has been involved in the E-Kart project. Sailing and water sports have been a big part of his life from childhood on as well as a huge interest in new technologies. For him sailing is the perfect mix of technology and nature: combined they create a unique experience of the power of the elements controlled by a human hand.
Jonas is responsible for distribution and customer service.
Christian Feldbauer has been cruising full-time for 10 years on SY Pitufa. Over the years Pitufa ended up with a mix of old and new navigation instruments, which used to communicate via NMEA convertors that lack configuration options–-not an ideal solution. Unsatisfied with the situation and unconvinced by existing products, he decided to put his phD in electrical engineering to practical use and to build an NMEA converter and gateway himself. Pitufa’s saloon table was turned into an electronics workshop, where Christian designed and fabricated the hardware and software. By now the Pitufino has been running successfully on Pitufa and several other boats for a while, is throroughly tested and in series production. As owners keep suggesting ideas, each firmware update includes new features. Facebook page of Pitufino Facebook page of Pitufino owners